Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Shilling stabilizes around 2,190/-

THE Bank of Tanzania (BoT) has said their strategy to stabilize the shilling against major currencies paid off.
The shilling at the moment wobbling between 2,180/- and 2,200/- against the US dollars quoted by commercial banks which was still good for exporting business.
BoT Governor Prof Benno Ndulu said the shilling was stable since the beginning of this year, a good trend for import and export traders. “You can see now the shilling is stable,” Prof Ndulu told ‘Daily News’ recently.

He added: “the level is good as it support exports business…if it goes down (to say 1,500/) will hurt exports.” The current level between shilling and dollar favours’ exports since the country goods and services are sold at discount as few dollars get many shillings.

The BoT data show that the shilling has depreciated by 1.35 per in the last six and half months to 2,179/72 as of yesterday. CRDB bank said yesterday that the shilling continued to gain against the greenback closing at 2181/91.

“We expect the shilling to remain strong following an increase in the demand for the local currency as corporates meet month end obligations,” the bank said on it daily market report.

Another bank, NMB, said the shilling gained slightly on Tuesday against the dollar amidst moderate demand from SMEs and other importers. “Market has experienced good support from agriculture inflows, liquidity tightness and less demand from the larger importers,” NMB said.

Since the beginning of this month the shilling enjoyed good days’ trend after appreciating against British pound and somewhat maintaining levels with the US dollar.

The local currency, appreciated against pound sterling some 70/- to 2,878/34 in the last three weeks. It also maintained its levels against the greenback after slightly dropping by almost 30 cents to 2,190/19 per one dollar.

Bus-train collision left one dead in Dar es Salaam

ONE person died while 43 others were injured Tuesday night after a city-commuter UDA bus collided with a train at Kamata railway crossing.
The UDA bus driver, Majuto Hamis, ignored a stopping signal by Tanzania Railway Limited (TRL) worker, warning that the locomotive was about to cross the road at 21:30 hours.

The accident, according to TRL Police unit, left one, Mr Omar Abdallah, dead while three others sustained life threatening injuries and are admitted at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH).

The bus driver, Mr Hamis, was among those who sustained serious injuries and is under police guard at his ward.

Two in Dar court over 14bn/- fraud

TWO prominent businessmen, Samwel Shanshasen Lema, and Mohamed Mustafa Yusufali, appeared before the Kisutu Resident Magistrate’s Court in Dar es Salaam yesterday charged with 223 counts of conspiracy, forgery, money laundering, evading tax and occasioning loss of over 14bn/-.

They were not allowed to enter any plea to the charges before Principal Resident Magistrate Wilbard Mashauri because they have been charged under the Economic and Organised Crime Control Act, which falls under the jurisdiction of the High Court.

The two were committed to remand custody until July 28, when the prosecution will respond to the request by the defence team, led by advocates Alex Mgongolwa, Hudson Ndusyepo and Nehemia Nkonko, who are challenging the validity of the charge of money laundering.

In the case, both accused persons are facing one count of conspiracy to defraud, 181 counts of forging tax invoices for two different companies, one count of money laundering and one charge relating to occasioning of loss to a specified authority.

Lema, an Arusha based tycoon, separately faces 38 counts of forging value added tax (VAT) returns and one count of tax evasion. This case is the second for Yusufali, popularly known as ‘Mzee wa Milioni 7 kwa Dakika’, to face before the same court.

The first case involves tax evasion to the tune of 15bn/-. During the court session, the prosecution team comprised Senior State Attorney Mutalemwa Kishenyi and State Attorneys Jacqueline Nyantori and Diana Rukondo and a prosecutor from the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) Leonard Swai.

The prosecution told the court that the accused persons and other persons not in court conspired to defraud the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) of 14,052,011,435.69 between January 1, 2012 and December 3, 2014 within the cities of Arusha and Dar es Salaam.

It is alleged that on diverse dates in Dar es Salaam, the two accused persons made false tax invoices bearing different numbers and dates, purporting to show that Northern Engineering and Elerai Construction Co. Limited purchased commodities from various companies worth billions of shillings.

The prosecution alleged further that on different dates in the city, with intent to defraud, Lema made several VAT returns for different months, purportedly showing that Northern Engineering Works Limited during such months purchased commodities worth billions of shillings, while it was false. Lema is also charged with evading tax amounting to 14,052,011,435.69 between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2015 -- in Dar es Salaam.

Being director responsible for management affairs of his companies, Northern Engineering Works Limited and Elerai Construction Co. Limited, which are registered VAT payers, with a view to fraudulently evade tax, he allegedly submitted to the Commissioner of TRA false returns.

All the accused persons were charged with an offence of money laundering allegedly committed between February 1, 2012 and February 25, 2013 within the cities of Arusha and Dar es Salaam.

They are alleged to have directly engaged themselves in a transaction of 420m/-, which, according to the prosecution, was proceed of predicate offences by depositing the amount in a bank account by the name Igba Jeferali Jafferjee at I and M Bank (T) Limited and subsequently withdrawing the same in cash.

The prosecution told the court that at the time of depositing and withdrawing of the money, the accused persons knew or ought to have known that the said sum was proceeds of predicate offences, which are forgery and tax evasion.

It is alleged further that between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2015, in the city, by reason of their wilful acts, Lema and Yusufali submitted to the Commissioner General of TRA false value added tax returns, hence the government to suffer a pecuniary loss of 14,052,011,435.69.

Immediately after the prosecution had read over the charges to the accused persons, Advocate Mgongolwa, on behalf of the defence team, rose up and requested the court to strike out the money laundering charge “because it was incurably defective’’.

“The defect goes straight to the particulars of the offence. Those particulars of the offence are fatal and cannot be cured under the law. Money laundering offence must contain four elements like Illicit source Placement, layering and integration,” Mr Mgongolwa argued.

Under the Anti-Money Laundering Act, money laundering is defined as engagement of person(s), direct or indirectly in conversion, transfer, concealment, disguising, use or acquisition of money or property known to be of illicit origin and in which such engagement intends to avoid legal consequence.

From such definition, he submitted, one could rightly say that for there to be an offence of money laundering, there must be intention on the part of the accused person to avoid the legal consequences of such action -- hence, the intention forms a basic element in particulars of the offence.

According to the advocates, looking at the count, the particulars of the offence were insufficient to meet test required under section 3 which defines the offence of money laundering and constituent acts provided for under section 12 (a) (b) (c) and (d) of the Anti-Money Laundering Act.

Fresh directives for Dodoma

THE Prime Minister, Mr Kassim Majaliwa, has directed the Dodoma Regional Commissioner’s Office and Capital Development Authority (CDA) to submit to him within two weeks a preliminary proposal on how they will execute the programme of the government to shift from Dar es Salaam to the new capitaldesignate – Dodoma.
In addition to that, the government will table a bill expressing its intention to move the capital to Dodoma at the next parliamentary session in September.

Mr Majaliwa issued the directive yesterday when he met with various societal leaders in Dodoma to clarify the announcement made by President John Magufuli on the renewed intention of the government to shift from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma at the CCM Special National Congress,which was held in the new capital-designate last week.

He assured his audience that President Magufuli’s directive on the government’s transfer to Dodoma was real and true and that everyone should get prepared. The Premier observed that Dodoma had enough facilities and infrastructure that will enable smooth implementation of the exercise for which the government has made a firm commitment.

He mentioned existing facilities and services such as buildings, roads, water and electricity, saying they provided a solid foundation for the absorption of staff to be involved in the capital shift.

Mr Majaliwa tasked CDA and Dodoma Municipal Council to prepare architectural and planning designs for new settlements and government offices as well as commercial and residential areas to accommodate all groups.

The Premier cautioned the two authorities to take every precaution to avoid mistakes done by other cities like Dar es Salaam, Mwanza and Arusha whereby executives failed to make proper city plans and caused congestion.

Meanwhile, the private sector here, including entrepreneurial groups, hotels and guest house owners submitted to the prime minister a request for tax holidays for people and firms who would like to invest in Dodoma.

Presenting the request on behalf of others, Mr Haruna Chavuma noted that such relief/waiver will speed up the rate of investment in Dodoma and change the general outlook of the designated capital city.

He also asked the government to take it up with financial institutions, including banks, to offer reasonable interest to people who will seek financial support, including loans.

Dodoma Regional Commissioner Jordan Rugimbana assured Mr Majaliwa that he has heard all the directives issued by the prime minister and that he is ready to work for them and ready to submit a preliminary proposal within 10 days -- four days before the deadline.

In another development, CDA has asked for 12 months to fully complete the job. The state-run authority said the 20- year National Capital Master Plan endorsed in 2010 provided enough breathing space for the investors, business community, international and government agencies to set up their businesses in the semi-arid region.

CDA Director General, Mr Paskasi Muragili, told the ‘Daily News’ over the phone from Dodoma yesterday that “the authority is well prepared and it will only need one year to fully complete the pending task.” The task, according to the DG, includes distribution of social services, water, electricity and roads to meet the demands.

“Relocation of the capital city is not atypical,” he said, adding: “In our case the plans started in 1973.” Shortly after President Magufuli and Mr Majaliwa officially declared their intention to relocate to Dodoma, there has been a fresh demand and rush among the public and private sector to look for plots in the Capital City District.

Without going deep into detail, Mr Muragili said many government agencies had knocked at his door in the quest for land to establish their offices. However, CDA is happy that over 85 per cent of the Capital City District is surveyed and mapped.

The initiative by the authority has also been well lauded by analysts who went on to note that Dar es Salaam is nowhere in fully implementing the city’s master plan. As part of plans to decongest the new capital city designate, the authority had identified Hombolo, Mpunguzi and Nala as expected satellite towns.

The towns will be able to offer similar social services; banking service, hotels, schools, hospitals, transports and markets available in the city centre. National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) figures show there were 2.084 million people in Dodoma as of 2012 -- lower than the 4.364 million people in Dar es Salaam.

Critics said the government should meanwhile speed up the construction of infrastructures, especially airport and railway to foster the region’s growth. Speaking at the CCM National Congress, President Magufuli said he will relocate his office to Dodoma before the end of his five-year term of office.

CHADEMA plans national rallies, police warns them!

CHADEMA, the main opposition party, has declared a nationwide public rallies coming September 1, to denounce what they term government violation of principles of good governance.
However, the Police Force has maintained that their stance on public meetings remains unchanged. Police had already drawn a line on any rally in the country by banning all political parties meetings, warning that whoever caught defying the directive would be squarely dealt with.

Despite the previous ban, CHADEMA National Chairman, Mr Freeman Mbowe, told a press conference in Dar es Salaam today that they were prepared for the event.

"The party's lawyers should also meet to review events that have occurred so far in order to take possible legal action against the government," he said when briefing journalists on deliberations reached by party's national executive committee which met last weekend.

Ahead of the planned rallies, Mr Mbowe said the party starts internal meetings to discuss the state of politics in the country.

In a swift response on Mbowe’s remarks, Commissioner of Police for Training and Operations, Mr Nsato Mssanzya, said he was less concerned with the recent declaration by CHADEMA, insisting that country’s laws must be respected.

“It must be understood that the directive previously made regarding public rallies is the one I am concerned about, if they (CHADEMA) met and reached into such agreement regarding the same issue then it is their problem and none of my business,” he told ‘Daily News’ in a telephone interview.

Mr Mssanzya further said both of them (police and the party) operate under certain laid rules and regulations set by the law in which if anyone violates any of them the law will take its course.

He cited an example of what happened once the party tried to block the ruling CCM from holding its general congress in Dodoma. He noted that the same measures applied to tackle that situation was a good example and no need to comment on their new plan.

President John Magufuli on separate events has added his voice on political rallies saying that time for politicking was over until 2020.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Kinana unveils top CCM position ‘exit plan’

SECRETARY General of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Abdulrahaman Kinana yesterday unveiled his plan to quit the party’s top executive job at the general congress to give chance to energetic youth to lead East Africa’s oldest political party.

Speaking here shortly after inspecting the party’s main conference centre, a place set to accommodate nearly 4,000 party members for the general congress, Mr Kinana said it was the right time for him to go. “I have served this post for three and half years.

I was requested by the party elders to join the top post in the party leadership structure,” Mr Kinana told reporters. He revealed that he did not like being CCM top administrator but had conceded to the requests by retired leaders and party officials. “It is not a position I preferred.

I was summoned by leaders and asked to lead the party, I agreed because they are people I highly respected,” he noted. Mr Kinana who has previously served the party in various position and member for the central committee for the past 25 years, affirmed that he has learnt a number of challenges some of which quite disappointing.

According to Mr Kinana, a good politician is the one who understands the best time to join and/or quit the part. He said he had agreed with elders to help the outgoing party Chairman, Mr Jakaya Kikwete, to strengthen the party as well as screen candidates for the presidential, legislative and councillorship posts.

“The elections are over. I hope I should now go and rest since I have fulfilled what I was assigned to do,” he said in Dodoma, noting that he will talk to the incoming party National Chairman, Mr John Magufuli, regarding the post.

“I have not been asked by Mr Magufuli whether he wants me to stay, but that will mean the two of us should discuss as it happened in 2012.” The Secretary General maintains a clear level of argument “as the party will not tolerate and put a smile onto treacherous.”

He said the party has been strict against betrayers from the district, regional to the national level. The just recent action was in Shinyanga where 123 members were held accountable.

He pointed out that the party’s dwindling communication to its members at the grassroots had seriously damaged the party’s image. “But another challenge was to reinforce unity and solidarity within the party,” he said, acknowledging in his three years as the party leader, he witnessed disunity and disputes that clearly affected the party.

“I worked with other leaders and we managed to return discipline, unity and solidarity within the party,” he said. Mr Kinana visited all districts, provinces and regions--travelling over 192,000km and holding 3,700 political meetings across the country.

He said there areas in which he argued with his leaders and government officials that “They were too dangerous for me to go ... but I said I have and I must get there.” The secretary said he had to risk his life, ferrying in dilapidated fishing boats just to reach at areas that the top government and party leaders had never reached.

“I remember the former president, Mr Kikwete and Kyela district commissioner also warned me against the use of fish-boats,” he recalled.

Delay by the government to pay farmers, land conflicts, lack of agro inputs and delays to disburse development funds in district councils from the central bank were among the issues he encountered in his nearly four-year tenure.

Four PMO employees charged for stealing

FOUR officials from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) appeared before the Kisutu Resident Magistrate’s Court in Dar es Salaam yesterday charged for stealing several items valued over 100m/- meant for disaster management.

Before Principal Resident Magistrate Respicious Mwijage, the accused persons were Hamed Yusuph,( 48), Halima Mwanjiro (33), both supplies officers and Martin Tyeah (31) and Mwaija Kimata, (55), all assistant supplies officers. They denied the charges and were released on bail upon meeting the set bail conditions.

The conditions demanded each of them securing one reliable surety, employed in any government institution or registered institution. Such surety, according to the magistrate, was required to sign a bond of 25m/-.

The case was adjourned to August 22 for mention as investigations into the matter, according to the prosecution led by Inspector of Police Jackson Chidunda, have not been completed. It is alleged that the accused persons committed the offence between April and September 2014 at Keko area near Medical Store Department (MSD) warehouse in Temeke District, Dar es Salaam.

The prosecution told the court that being employees of PMO, the accused persons stole 5,074 iron sheets, 200 cooking sets, 348 blankets and 300 sleeping mats, all valued at 100,164,000/-, the property of their employer, which came into their possession by virtual of their employment.

Meanwhile, a Chinese, Senxin Van, yesterday escaped a jail term of three years having managed to pay a fine of 500,000/- for violating immigration laws. Before the same court, Principal Resident Magistrate, Huruma Shaidi, convicted Van of failure to comply with conditions specified in his resident permit on his own plea of guilty.

An Immigration Department prosecutor, Novatus Mlay, had told the court that being a citizen of China, Van was found on July 12, this year at Tenglong Investment Limited in Kinondoni District working as a doctor. According to the prosecution, the Chinese’s working permit allowed him only to work as director in the Tong Xing Foot Wear Company Limited.

Before being sentenced, the Chinese had pleaded for light sentence because he has a family that depend on him and that being the director of the company, the business he was supervising would collapse if given a custodian punishment

BoT official allays fears about liquidity squeeze

CASH squeeze in circulation should be nothing to worry much about as it is part of measures undertaken to control the economy, a senior Central Bank official has said.

Mr Paul Maganga, the Domestic Market Associate Director with the Central Bank told the ‘Daily News’ yesterday that scarcity of money currently being experienced was part of a tight monetary policy taken to help in monitoring and control money in the circulation.

He said the recent government directive for ministries, local governments and public corporations to transfer their money to the Central Bank was among the measures which had contributed to the scarcity of money in the circulation.

About 500bn/- is the sum of money thought to have been held by the public corporations, ministries and local governments in commercial banks. The directive on the other hand has helped the Bank of Tanzania (BoT) to monitor and control money in circulation, he said.

Instead the public entities should maintain an operational account at their preferred commercial bank with a minimum of balance to cater for their monthly operational expenses as per their monthly cash flow projections.

Mr Maganga said also that the tight liquidity in the circulation is contributed by most corporate engaged in paying annual taxes last month, thus cutting spending of funds that could have been directed to investments. Similarly, the present situation of dry money in the market is explained by the less government expenditure for both recurrent and development.

According to CRDB’s Financial Market Highlights liquidity was tight in the market on Monday as interbank volume fell by 67 per cent to 18bn/-, while borrowing rates were up by 50 basis points to a weighted average of 14.22 per cent and a high of 16 per cent. Liquidity is expected to remain tight in the market with borrowing rates holding up at current high levels.

Dar aware and ready for any terrorist threat, says Mahiga

FOREIGN Affairs, East African, Regional and International Cooperation Minister, Dr Augustine Mahiga, said yesterday that while Tanzania was aware of the terrorist threat in the region, its defence and security forces will always be attentive to any unusual movement in its midst.

He further said that terrorism in the Horn of Africa and the East African region were among the major issues that were discussed at the 27th African Union (AU) Summit in Kigali, Rwanda. The minister said that to this effect, African leaders have agreed to allocate a special fund to fight terrorism in the Horn of Africa and East Africa region.

According to Dr Mahiga, African leaders expressed their concern on the increase of terrorist acts in the region and agreed to take measures, including allocating funds to boost military operations against the menace.

Dr Mahiga agreed that reports from reliable sources indicate that some Tanzanian youth were among Al-Shabaab fighters who have been arrested or killed by Somalia government and AU troops. He said the AU Commissioner for Peace and Security, Mr Smail Chergui, told him recently that Tanzanian youth were in the list of killed or arrested Al-Shabaab fighters in Somalia. “I met Mr Chergui recently.

He told me that some Tanzanian youth are fighting in Somalia. He confided with me that whenever they arrest Al-Shaabab fighters, they always find Tanzania nationals among them,” Dr Mahiga told reporters.

Dr Mahiga said the AU peace and Security commission advised him to take measures that could help to stop youth from joining terrorist groups and protect the country and innocent civilians from being attacked. “We are very grateful to our security forces; they are doing a very good job.

So far, Tanzania is safe. We expect such a situation to prevail,” he said. On Burundi peace talks, Dr Mahiga said the facilitator, former President Benjamin Mkapa, is continuing with preparations for next month’s meeting.

“Former President Mkapa will continue with the talks next month. They are continuing with the selection of groups and people who are supposed to attend the talks,” he said.

However, Dr Mahiga said the Burundi government has announced a challenging condition, which forbids any person who participated in the May, 2015 attemp coup against President Pierre Nkurunzinza from being part of the peace talks.

“This is a very challenging condition. Our aim is to end conflict in Burundi - and we believe Mr Mkapa will manage to bring positive changes,” he affirmed. On the Southern Sudan conflict, Dr Mahiga said African leaders have agreed to deploy regional troops to the troubling country after recent fighting between rival forces.

Soldiers for the African Union (AU) force are to come from Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan and Uganda. However, Dr Mahiga said one of South Sudan government officials told African leaders that his country was not ready for AU troops and that they (South Sudanese) will end their differences on their own.

“I am glad the AU has decided to intervene by sending AU troops. So far there are 12,000 UN troops down there.

However, the two rival forces are still fighting and killing civilians. Therefore, the AU has made a right decision to send troops,” he said. Moreover, Dr Mahiga added that African leaders have agreed to continue pushing for two permanent membership positions in the UN Security Council and veto power.

Zanzibar Govt dismisses claims of bankruptcy

Zanzibar — Finance and Planning Minister, Dr Khalid Salum Mohamed, has dismissed claims that Zanzibar government is now bankrupt, stressing that revenue collection is good.

"Just ignore social media rumours from the opposition that the government is broke and that it survives by borrowing money from businesspeople. In fact, we have been on track in revenue collection," he told reporters at his office yesterday. He said in the past three months revenue collection has been good, reflecting control of unnecessary expenditure as directed by President Ali Mohamed Shein. Briefing reporters here about tax collection and refuting claims on bankruptcy, the minister said the government has focused at meeting basic needs for the people and paying up debts.

"We are determined to beat the target of collecting more than 800bn/- before Dr Shein ends his term. Our target for April/June was to collect 117.66bn/-. We managed to collect 117.04bn/- (99.5 per cent)," he said. He said that the biggest ever collection was in June when 49.51bn/- was collected to surpassing the traditional monthly collection of 45bn/-. Tax collection has jumped by 42.7 per cent from 82.45bn/- to 117.66bn/- in three months, the minister said.

The Zanzibar Ministry of Finance has been working closely with the Union finance ministry to ensure that reforms made on tax collected in the Mainland do not affect the people of Zanzibar.
By Issa Yussuf, The Daily News via AllAfrica

Msc Scholarships - Health of Aquatic Resources: Trahesa Norhed Norad Project 2014 – 2018

In Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) there is a documented knowledge gap at higher education institutions related to fish health and environmental stressors. This includes lack of understanding of aetiologies, diagnostics and prophylaxis of fish diseases. Lack of knowledge hampers the economic development of aquaculture and fisheries industries in the region, precludes evidencebased policies and decision-making from governments and also has societal implication for the development of aquatic resources-dependent communities. There is also a need to build competence in fish and environmental health to monitor and protect wild freshwater and marine fish populations which are essential for food security and food safety in the region. Furthermore, the quality of fish products and the level of man-made chemical pollutants and biotoxins have implications to human health, sustainable utilization of resources and environmental conservation. Capacity building in these fields is required to ensure an expanded, qualified workforce in institutions with solid research capabilities that can educate and train competent resource persons who will meet tomorrow’s development challenges related to production of quality high-value protein in the aquatic environment. 

Project Goal and Intended Outcome 
Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Makerere University (MU), University of Nairobi (UoN), University of Zambia (UNZA) and the University of Dar es Salaam’s - Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS) in Zanzibar is undertaking a collaborative research project entitled “Capacity Building for Training and Research in Aquatic and Environmental Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (TRAHESA)”. The project is supported by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) under the Norwegian Programme for Capacity Building in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED). The goal of the project is to strengthen education and research capacity in aquatic and environmental health in Eastern and Southern Africa. The project intends to achieve the above through training of human resources at both masters and PhD levels while generating the information to fill the knowledge gap. 

Call for Applications 
We are pleased to announce a call for applications for 10 MSc scholarships within the field of health of aquatic resources. The aim of the scholarships is to support training of local scholars at Masters degree level. Selected MSc candidates will register as full time students at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Tanzania where they will undertake the course work for one year before returning to their home countries for research under the supervision of the partner Universities implementing the TRAHESA project.

The distribution of positions is as follows:
  • Tanzania Sokoine University of Agriculture, in Tanzania (2-positions) Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam in Zanzibar, (2-positions)
  • Uganda Makerere University in Uganda (2-positions) 
  • Kenya University of Nairobi in Kenya (2-positions) 
  • Zambia University of Zambia (2-positions)

i. Holders of Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Medicine (BVM), Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Fish Health and Safety related fields or other equivalent degree in relevant fields in natural and environmental sciences. 
ii. Having admission or evidence of submitted application documents for admission to pursue MSc in “Health of Aquatic Resources" at SUA in 2016/17 Academic year. 
iii. Highly motivated individuals to develop a scientific career and capability to complete MSc studies within the prescribed time frame (2 years). iv. Interested in undertaking research in health of aquatic resources. 
v. Not already enrolled in a sponsored MSc programme. 
vi. Willingness to work in a team and a strong ambition to accomplish the research goals of the project.
vii. Good academic records /transcripts. viii. Excellent communication skills.
ix. Good command of spoken and written English. 
x. Perspectives on future use of MSc skills for teaching, research and extension; as well as for self employment under the Private sector. 
xi. Full time availability from October 2016 for a period of 2 years. 

How to apply 
Potential candidates are hereby invited to submit an application letter, curriculum vitae, academic transcripts and certificates, 2 names of academic referees whereby at least one of them being the immediate work supervisors, and a one page concept note. The concept note should contain an outline of the rationale for the proposed study, objectives, methodological approach and expected outputs. Applications MUST reach focal persons in the respective Institutions and Countries by 21st August 2016. Successful applicants will be notified by 31st August 2016. 

Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply. The positions are only available to applicants from Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and Zambia for the respective positions in the partner universities in those countries. 

Applications should be submitted to focal persons in respective institutions whose contact details are shown below: 
  1. Prof. Robinson Mdegela; E-mail: / for 2 positions at Sokoine University of Agriculture. 
  2. Prof. Denis Byarugaba; E-mail: for 2 positions at Makerere University.
  3. Prof. Paul Mbuthia; E-mail: for 2 positions at University of Nairobi. 
  4. Dr. Aviti Mmochi; E-mail: / for 2 positions at the Institute of Marine Sciences. 
  5. Dr. Kaampwe Muzandu: E-mail: for 2 positions at University of Zambia. 
All applications MUST be copied to the Project Coordinator in the South; Prof. Robinson Mdegela; Email: and the Coordinator in the North; Prof. Stephen Mutoloki; 

The MSc fellows’ tasks will be to study and report on their selected research questions within the context of this project by methods depending on the area of research. The interconnected substudies will require intensive interaction with the programme leader, research collaborators, supervisors, and other MSc and PhD students in the programme. The progress of the MSc fellows’ work will be evaluated annually or as will be deemed necessary by the Supervisors and/ or Project Coordinators. It is expected that each of the MSc fellows will publish at least one paper from his/her research work in international peer reviewed journals. 

Financial matters 
The fellowship will cover tuition fees, a monthly stipend and research costs based on successful deliverables. 

Further Contacts 
More information on the project can be obtained from: 
Professor Robinson Mdegela 
TRAHESA Project Coordinator 
Department of Veterinary Medicine and Public Health 
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 
Sokoine University of Agriculture 
P. O. Box 3021, Morogoro, Tanzania 
Tel: +255 754 371 628 

Program Specialist - HACT, (NOC), For Tanzanian nationals only

Job no: 497927
Work type: Fixed Term Staff
Location: Tanzania,United Republic
Categories: Programme Management
If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children, the world's leading children's rights organization would like to hear from you.

For 70 years, UNICEF has been working on the ground in 190 countries and territories to promote children's survival, protection and development. The world's largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments.
Purpose of the Position
You will coordinate and manage the programme commitment of a medium size country programme with a broad range of projects, including programme/project formulation, design, planning and management, with the goal of achieving UNICEF's Organizational priorities.

You will ensure that area or country programmes are supported by knowledge management through data collection and analysis and complete, accurate reporting, and will help prepare the Situation Analysis. You will administer a consistent and transparent monitoring system; help analyze country level socio-political-economic trends and their implications for ongoing programmes and projects; and assist in establishing programme work plans. You will also undertake field visits to monitor and assess programme implementation.
Key Function, accountabilities and related duties/tasks:
  • Summary of key functions/accountabilities:
  • Ensure Annual HACT Assurance Plan developed and approved
  • Ensure HACT assurance activities organized and implemented as planned
  • Review and use of HACT reports
  • Review PCA documents and ensure PRC meetings conducted
  • Programme Planning, Budgeting and Monitoring
  • Networking and inter-agency partnership
  • Innovation, knowledge management and capacity building

1.  Ensure Annual HACT Assurance Plan developed and approved
  • Coordinate and contribute to development, documentation and reporting of HACT assurance plan, facilitate planning and priority setting of HACT activities for Programme sections,
  • Provide technical and operational guidance throughout the process by administering technical, operational and administrative transactions and coordinate preparation of related materials/documentations to ensure the incorporation of HACT into the country programme.
  • Oversee and contribute to the preparation of micro assessment and assurance plans for the office
  • Coordinate preparation of information on shared implementing partners to facilitate joint planning and execution of micro assessments and audits in line with the UNICEF HACT Procedure.
 2.  Ensure HACT assurance activities organized and implemented as planned

    • Exercise effective technical leadership in implementation of HACT assurance plan in the office
    • Serve as reference person on HACT implementation in the office.
    • Provide technical support to ensure that the Office has evidence-based information, as per the assurance plan, to assess whether progress reported by partners is in accordance with work plans and that resources provided by UNICEF are safeguarded
  • Provide guidance on execution of HACT activities undertaken by external service providers through scheduling, arranging briefings and related administrative needs to ensure service providers have appropriate and comprehensive information for effective and efficient completion of assignments.
  • Guide and coordinate the spot check process of implementing partners in the office
  • Coordinate and contribute to the preparation of HACT implementation status report in InSight through collation of implementation information from relevant CO colleagues.
  • Contribute to development and monitoring of implementation of CO HACT related SOPs and internal procedures, including for escalation of issues identified through assurance activities.
3.  Review and use of HACT reports

  • Monitor and oversee the recording and updating of risk ratings of implementing partners in VISION through review of the Vendor Master and provision of relevant information to appropriate colleagues in the CO.
  • Provide technical guidance on establishment of a central repository for HACT decisions, documentation and reports to provide timely and current information to facilitate implementation of HACT in the CO.
  • Coordinate and oversee the review assessments and programme assurance reports to identify areas of weaknesses related to the implementation of HACT and keep supervisor/partners informed of findings for timely action and/or intervention.
  • Contribute to quarterly reporting of HACT assurance activities to Regional office
  • Advise senior management when special audits may be required
 4.  Review PCA documents and Ensure PRC meetings conducted

  • Act as PRC secretariat and ensure PRC/PCA meeting are organized as scheduled
  • Play oversight role in risk assessing PCAs from a HACT perspective
  • Ensure that CSO partnership administration is in conformity with UNICEF policy and procedures
  • Oversee the timely distribution of relevant documentation to PRC members
  • Contribute to documenting Part 3 (PRC Review and Recommendation) of the PRC Submission, Review and Approval form(Annex G) and ensure and correctness and completeness is accordingly made
  • Ensuring electronic versions of PCAs, [SSFAs if applicable], Programme documents, PCA amendments submitted to PRC are maintained in a shared drive that is accessible to all staff involved with programme management
5.  Programme Planning, Budgeting and Monitoring
  • Work closely with the Monitoring Specialist on programme implementation issues
  • Support the coordination of programme visits, planning, implementation and reporting of HACT activities including inputting the reports in the systems (eHACT, eTools).
  • Undertakes field visits to monitor and assess programme implementation and decides on required corrective action.
  • Ensure UNICEF support is harmonized with GoT systems i.e. annual MTEF Projections and commitments timely consolidated, shared with Ministry of Finance and IPs; ensure UNICEF Projections and commitments are timely entered in the GoT Aid Management Platform (AMP) system
  • Ensure financial flows/disbursement to Partners including DCTs are effected on timely manner
  • Provide technical support in monitoring DCT management for the office. Communicate and follow with relevant Programme sections to ensure timely liquidation of DCTs
 6.  Networking, Partnership and inter-agency collaboration

  • Provide technical information and operational support to implementing partners, UN system partners and other stakeholders in the CO on the implementation of HACT to reinforce UN/CO harmonization and coordination.
  • Build and sustain effective close working partnerships with government counterparts and national stakeholders through active sharing of HACT information and knowledge to facilitate/build their capacity for implementing HACT.
  • Participate in appropriate inter-agency meetings/events to facilitate and promote sharing of information, knowledge, experiences and best practice and enhance coordination of activities in line with the UNICEF HACT Procedure.
  • Interact regularly with other country offices and the Regional Office on HACT issues.
  • Collaborate with the Operations Section to establish and maintain sound internal controls supportive of programming endeavors and to coordinate financial and supply management requirements and accountability
7.  Knowledge management and capacity building
  • Identify, synthesize and share lessons learned from HACT and its implementation for integration into broader knowledge development planning and management efforts.
·  Identify, synthesize and share lessons learned and best practice in the implementation of HACT
  • Contribute to design and implementation of capacity development strategy/initiatives for implementing partners which can be supported by UNICEF through identification of common weaknesses in financial and procurement management from review of micro assessment and assurance activity reports of high and significant risk partners.
  • Contribute to design and implementation of capacity development strategy/initiatives for CO staff to ensure that staff has knowledge and skills to fulfill their responsibilities under HACT.
  • Provide government authorities with technical supports and guidance to plan and organize training programmes for the purpose of capacity building and programme sustainability
  • Ensure the building or reinforcing of the commitment and institutional capacities of the national and local partners starting with taking a strategic approach to the identification of these partners and partnerships
8. Impact of Results
The effective support provided by the Programme Specialist (HACT) L3 to the careful planning and effective implementation of the HACT activities directly impacts on programme execution and delivery of sustainable results and promote national ownership and accountability for programme resources.

Qualifications of Successful Candidate 
  • A Master's Degree in Development Studies, International Development, Programme/Project Management, Business Administration, Financial Management, Economics, and Auditing or other relevant field is required
  • A minimum of 5 years of professional experience in programme/project development and management or financial planning, management and oversight or related field at the international and/or in a developing country is required. Relevant experience in program/project financial monitoring and evaluation in a UN system agency or organization is an asset.
  • Background/familiarity with emergency situations
  • Fluency in English and local working language of the duty
Competencies of Successful Candidate
Core competencies
  •  Communication (II)
  • Working with people (II)
  • Drive for results (II)
Core Values
  • Commitment
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Integrity
Functional Competencies:
  •  Formulating strategies and concepts (II)
  • Analyzing (II)
  • Applying technical expertise (II)
  • Learning and researching (II)
  • Planning and organizing (II)
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organisation.
Advertised: 20 Jul 2016 E. Africa Standard Time
Applications close: 10 Aug 2016 E. Africa Standard Time

 Click here to Apply now
